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How to pre-populate information for bulk link signers using query parameters?

2 mins read

Bulk Links are convenient for sending the same document link to multiple signers. To make the process even more efficient, you can optionally prefill fields for your signers by passing the values in query parameters.

Create bulk links

Before you can pre-populate form fields for Bulk Link signers, you need to create a Bulk Link. Follow these steps to create one:

  • Log in to your BoldSign account and click on the Create New button on the dashboard page. Select Create New Bulk Link.
  • Upload the document and fill in the title, recipient role, and any other necessary information. You can also assign form fields to the role on the form fields prepare page. Take note of the field ID as it will be needed later.


  • Once you’ve assigned the form fields, click Create Bulk Link to complete the process.


Pre-populate information using query parameters

After creating the Bulk Link, you can pre-populate signer name, email and form field values using query parameters. You can add document fields ID and values to the bulk link URL as parameters, separated by an ampersand (&) symbol.

Pre-populate signer’s name and email

You can pre-populate the signer’s name and email in the URL query parameters to skip the step of entering identification details. Use the following syntax:

Field Type Query Parameter
Signer name and email {Url}&ROLE_signerName={name}&ROLE_signerEmail={email}

Pre-populate form field values

To pre-populate form fields, you need to provide the form field ID and value in the query parameters. The following form fields are supported for pre-populating:

  • Textbox
  • Checkbox
  • Radio Button
  • Editable Date
  • Dropdown

Use the following syntax in the URL query string to pass values for different types of form fields:

Form Fields Query Params Examples
Textbox < TextboxId >= < value > TextBox1=abc
Radio Button < RadioGroupId >=< RadioOptions > RadioGroup1=Male
Checkbox < CheckboxId >=On (for checked) or < CheckboxId >=Off (for unchecked) CheckBox1=On
Dropdown < dropdownId >=< DropdownOptions > Dropdown1=Apple
Editable Date < EditableDateFieldId >=< dateValue > (in the YYYY-MM-DD format) EditableDateField1=2023-04-15


Replace the placeholders with the actual IDs and values. Once you have constructed the URL with the pre-populated form field values, send it to the signer. When the signer clicks on the URL, they will be taken to the signing page with the form fields pre-populated with the values you specified. It’s important to ensure that the form field IDs and their corresponding values are correct, otherwise the pre-populated values will not be applied correctly.

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