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How to skip the signer verification in bulk links?

2 mins read

This article will guide you on how to skip the signer verification for Bulk Link signers using query parameters. Bulk Links enable you to send a single link to multiple signers and bypass the signer’s identification details, saving both you and the signers’ time.

Create bulk links

Here are the steps to create a new bulk link and pre-fill signer information using query parameters:

  • Log in to your BoldSign account and click on the Create New button on the dashboard page. Select Create New Bulk Link.
  • Upload the document and fill in the title, recipient role, and any other necessary information. Note down the Role as it will be needed later.
  • In the recipient role section, toggle off the email verification option to disable verification for bulk link signers. This option is displayed in the screenshot below.


  • You can also assign form fields to the role on the form fields prepare page.
  • Once you’ve assigned the form fields, click Create Bulk Link to complete the process.

Pre-filling signer’s name and email using query parameters

You can pre-fill the signer’s name and email using query parameters in the URL to skip the signer’s verification step. Use the following syntax:

Query Parameter Definitions
{URL}&{ROLE}_signerName={name}&{ROLE}_signerEmail={email} • {URL} - Replace with the bulk link’s URL from the overview page or dialog shown after creating the bulk link.
• {ROLE} - Replace with the recipient role selected while creating the bulk link. • {name} - Replace with the signer’s name. • {email} - Replace with the signer’s email address.

To pre-fill the signer’s information, make sure to provide both the signer’s name and email in the query parameters; otherwise, the verification process will not be skipped.


How it works

To simplify the signing process for your signers, you can bypass the initial signer information page and take them directly to the document signing page. Typically, when a signer accesses your bulk link URL to sign the document, they are usually presented with a signer information screen where they have to provide their name and email, and then verify their identity through an OTP sent to their email. See the screenshot below for reference:


However, if you have correctly set up the bulk link query parameters with the signer’s name and email, as per the syntax mentioned earlier, the signer can bypass this verification page and proceed straight to the signing page, as shown in the screenshot below. This simplifies the signing process and saves time for your signers, making it more efficient.


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