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How can an existing user join another organization?

2 mins read

If you are currently using BoldSign with an existing account, joining another organization is not supported. If someone attempts to invite you to a new organization, they will receive an error message indicating that you cannot be added. It’s important to note that you can only be a member of one organization at a time. If you intend to join a different organization, you must first be removed from your current one.

The account administrator has the ability to delete their account from the business profile page. If a team member wishes to join another organization, it is the responsibility of the account administrator to remove them from the current organization. This ensures a smooth transition and proper management of membership within the organization.

user already exists

Deleting your account

You should be the account admin to delete your account from the current organization. Follow the below steps:

  • Go to the Business Profile page and click the Profile Details section.
  • Scroll down to the bottom of the page and click the Delete account button.

delete account

  • A confirmation pop-up will appear. Click the Yes, delete button to confirm.

confirmation dialog box

  • After the deletion process is initiated, the account will be deleted after seven days.
  • If the account owner prefers to retain all data and documents associated with their account, they can transfer their ownership to another user before deleting the account. Once the transfer is successfully completed, the account can be safely deleted.

Deleting team admin or team member account

  • To delete a team admin or team member account, navigate to the Users page, locate the specific user, and select the Delete User option from the Context menu.

delete user option

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