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How to exclude the audit trail from the completion email?

2 mins read

In BoldSign, you have the option to exclude the audit trail from the completion email sent to the signers. By default, both the audit trail and the completed document are included as attachments in the completion email. Once this option is enabled, only the completed document will be attached to the signer’s email.

Follow the steps below to exclude the audit trail from the completion email:

  • Select Branding from the Settings menu to go to the Manage Brands page.
  • On the Manage Brands page, click on the Create New Brand button.

Create new brand option

  • You will be directed to the Create New Brand page. In the General section add the brand name in the Brand Name field. You can set it as your default brand.
  • Upload your brand logo and customize it with colors as desired. Then, switch to the Advanced section and enable the Exclude Audit Trail from Completion Email option.
  • Then click the Save button at the top-right corner and your brand will be created successfully.

exclude audit trail option

  • If you already have a brand, you can enable the Exclude Audit Trail from Completion Email option from the Edit Brand option.

Edit Brand option

  • Now, when sending documents for signature, select the brand that you customized.

Select brand option

  • Once the signing process is completed, the audit trail document will not be included as an attachment in the document completion email sent to the signer, as shown below.

Document completion email

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