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How to send the signed document as a link?

2 mins read

The sender can decide how the signed copies of the document should be sent to the recipients. By default, the signed documents are sent as attachments in email. Once all the parties have signed the document, the recipients will receive an email with the signed documents attached.
Alternatively, the sender can change the setting to send it as a link. The recipients will receive an email with a link to view and download the signed document rather than receiving it as an attachment.

Follow the steps below to send the signed document as a link:

  • Go to the Settings menu and select the Branding option.
  • From the Branding page, click the Create New Brand button to create a new branding for your documents.
  • On the Create New Brand page, you will see a field called Deliver the signed document in email as. Select the Link to view and download document option from the dropdown menu.
  • To change the delivery option for an existing brand, click the context menu (three dots) at the right end of the brand, and select the edit brand option.
  • You will find the Deliver the signed document in email as field. Select the Link to view and download document option from the dropdown menu.
  • Then, create a document and send it for signing.
  • Once the signer has signed the document, they will receive an email with a link to view and download the signed document.

Deliver the signed document in email as option

If the option is set to Attachment, the signer will receive the message like below.


If the option is set to Link to view and download document, the signer will receive the message like below.

Link to view  and download the document

We have also published a video tutorial on this topic. Check out the video below:

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