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How to enable branding for the audit trail document?

2 mins read

An organization can be recognized by its brand since it has a distinctive name and logo of its own. When the branding is enabled in the document, it will be reflected in the emails sent to the recipients and also in the audit trail document. The audit trail document has a complete summary of the document. Please note that the branding option is only visible to the account administrators.

Creating a brand

  • Go to the Settings menu and click the Branding option.
  • Click Create New Brand on the Manage Brands page, and you will be navigated to the Create new Brand page.

Create new brand option

  • You should enter a Brand Name , Logo , and Colors for your organization.
  • Once these three fields are filled, click the Save option, and your brand will be saved successfully.

create new brand page

Selecting a brand while creating a signature request

  • While creating a signature request, you will have a Select Brand option in Step 1 under the Document settings.
  • If you have more than one brand, choose the one you want to include in the recipient’s emails and the audit trail document.

Select brand option

  • You can download the audit trail document after the signer has finished signing the document. Each page of the audit trail document will have your brand’s logo at the top left corner.

audit trail document

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