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How to add custom legal disclosure for your signers?

2 mins read

The legal terms give the users legal disclosures, terms, and conditions before they can continue with the actual signing process. The legal term added is not just to inform but also to get approval for the terms beforehand. BoldSign allows users to add legal terms as per their requirements. The user can define their own custom legal terms and get the signer’s approval before proceeding with the signing process. The option for adding custom legal terms is available under the Branding section, and it is accessible only to the account administrators.

Defining the custom legal terms

  • Click on Branding on the Settings menu to go to the Manage Brands page.
  • On the Manage brands page, click on the Create New Brand button.

Create new brand option

  • You will be taken to the Create New Brand page. On the General section, add Brand Name, logo, and color, then switch to the Advanced section.
  • You can see the Custom Legal Terms option at the bottom of the branding page. Enable that option.
  • Add a title in the title box to display during the signing process. The title you add here will appear as a link text during the signing process, along with the terms and conditions of BoldSign.
  • Next, you can see a text box below the title box to add the custom legal terms as per requirement. You can use markdown format or the toolbar to format the contents of it.

custom legal terms

  • Here are the supported markdown syntax for your reference.
Formatting option Markdown Syntax
Heading Size 1 # Heading 1
Heading Size 2 ## Heading 2
Heading Size 3 ### Heading 3
Bold **Bold Text**
Italic *Italic text*
Lists * List Item
Link Text [Link Text] ( “Help Text”)
  • You can see the preview of the legal terms on the right side. Click on the title of the legal terms to see a preview of your legal terms.
  • After entering the required legal terms, click the Save button and your brand will be created successfully.
  • If you already have a brand, you can enable the Custom Legal Terms option from the Edit brand option.

Using the custom legal terms

  • While sending the document, select your brand where you have defined your custom legal terms and send the document.

Select brand option

  • Before continuing with the signing process, the signer must review and accept the custom legal terms outlined in the document, as shown in the image below.

signing page

  • The custom legal terms will also be included at the end of the audit trail document, as shown in the image below.

Audit trail document

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