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How to customize the recipient email appearance and signing page to match your company branding?

2 mins read

Branding in BoldSign allows you to customize the appearance and branding of the signer’s view and email alerts. This includes adding a unique logo and selecting a color scheme that reflects your company’s branding. Customizing the brand makes it easier for your customers to recognize your organization and enhances the professionalism of your documents. To customize the brand, follow the steps below.

  • Go to Settings and then click Branding to go to the Manage Brands page.
  • On the Manage brands page, click the Create New Brand button.

Create new brand button

  • You will be taken to the Create New Brand page. In the General section, add the Brand Name. You can set this brand as default by checking the Set as default checkbox.
  • Then, add the brand Logo.
  • You can customize the mail appearance and signing page in terms of background color, button color, and text color. Select the required color from the color picker.
  • On the Email display name section. You can add the name to display as a From name in the email whenever the brand is selected.
  • You can hide the Powered by BoldSign branding from the email by enabling the BoldSign Branding option.
  • in the preview section, you can preview both the signer page view and the email view with the brand logo and other customization.
  • After adding all the details, click the Save button in the top-right corner and your brand will be created successfully.

Create new brand page

  • Now when sending documents for signature, select the brand that you customized.

Select brand option

  • The created brand will be displayed on the signer’s email page and signing page as shown below.


Signing page

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