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How to change the signer page language?

1 min read

The signer can select their preferred language while signing the document. Once a language is selected, all the text on the signing page, like button text, popup messages, etc., will be translated into the chosen language. The currently supported languages are as follows:

  1. English
  2. Spanish
  3. German
  4. French
  5. Romanian
  6. Norwegian
  7. Bulgarian
  8. Italian
  9. Danish
  10. Polish
  11. Portuguese
  12. Czech
  13. Dutch
  14. Russian
  15. Swedish

The signer page language can also be customized by the sender while creating the document. To know how to set the language for the signer while creating the document, check this link: Send the signature request to signers in different languages.

Follow the steps below to change the signer page language:

  • Open a document received through email or from the My Documents page.

  • You can find the language dropdown near the terms and conditions. Select your preferred language from the dropdown, and all the text will be translated into the selected language.

Language dropdown arrow

  • You can also change the language by clicking the language dropdown at the top of the page.

Language dropdown arrow

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