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Is it possible to add a user to multiple teams in BoldSign?

1 min read

In BoldSign, users can only be part of one team at a time. When you add an existing member to a new team, an error message will be displayed as shown below.

User already exists

If you want to add an existing member to a new team, you must remove that member from their current team before adding them to the new one. Only the account admin or team admin can delete the member from the existing team.

Allow user to access other team documents

If you want to add the same user to multiple teams to access the other team documents, you can use the custom permission feature. Using this feature, an account owner can allow any member to access the documents of other teams.

Follow the steps below to allow the user to access other team documents by adding custom permission:

  • Select the Custom Permissions option under the Users and Teams menu and click New Custom Permission.
  • In the User(s) column, select the user(s) to whom you want to provide access to other team documents and select the team(s) in the Select Teams column.
  • Then, specify the required access in the Resources and Permissions section, select Allow in the access type, and click Save.
  • The custom permission will be created successfully.
  • In the below example, the account owner allows Regina S from the Accounts department to access the documents of the Technical support team.

Custom Permission

To know more about the custom permission feature, check out this article: Create custom permission.

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