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How do I sign a document in BoldSign?

2 mins read

You will receive an email notification once the document is sent. Both BoldSign account holders and non-account holders can sign the document using the link in the email. Additionally, BoldSign users have the option to sign the document directly within the BoldSign application.

Signing documents via email

  • Open the email and click on the Review and Sign to go to the signing page.

review and sign

  • Read and agree to the terms and conditions and click Continue to proceed.
  • Click on the Start Signing button and fill in all the required fields.

start signing

  • Then click on Complete Signing and the document will be signed successfully.

Signing documents using the app

  • Click on My Documents on the Documents menu and you will be taken to the Documents page.
  • On the documents page, select the document you want to sign and hover the mouse at the end of the document.
  • Click on the Context menu and a list of options will be displayed.
  • Click on Sign now and you will be taken directly to the Signing Page.
  • You can also find the sign option on the overview page.

sign now option

  • Read and agree to the terms and conditions and click on Continue to proceed.
  • Click on the Start Signing option at the top right corner of the page to start signing the document.

start signing using app

  • Fill in all the required fields and click Complete Signing.

complete signing

  • The document is signed successfully, and a Confirmation message will pop out.

successfully signed the document

To know how to reassign or decline a document, refer to the below links.

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